Friday, March 30, 2012

E) All of the Above

On my drive to work today, I encountered horizontally blowing snow up in Sverresborg where we live, then rain as I headed down the hill, and then hail as I made my way to the marine station.  This occurred all in the span of 5 min. on the road.  The weather forecasters must have a special forecast here called "E) all of the above."  Actually, today was a half sun/cloud day in the local forecast ( because at some point the sun was expected to peak out.  Mr. Sun did in fact show his lovely visage for moments between the rain/snow/hail and we had yummy cupcakes downtown. 

I've shown you lots of pictures from the hills around town, but today I wanted to share some from a particularly lovely day we had last month.  These are what I like to think of as "album cover shots" for Annaliese -- should she ever decide to become a rock musician.   This is lovely Trondheim -- Norway's third largest city (population ~180,000+3 blonde, crazy Americans) as it should be seen more often.  Yes, I offer  this to the weather gods in hopes that the future holds more album cover days. 

We went up in the tower on the right today, great view, and felt a little seasick as it slowly rotated

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