Thursday, March 8, 2012

Country Roads, Take me Home -- to Norway?

Just a mere 10 minutes from our house, a large juicy event took place this evening -- World cup Ski Jumping.  Yes, I have repeatedly eyed that huge jump tucked into the hillside and have been waiting patiently for this day since we got here.  Not too many places in the world have ski jumping right down the road from your house.  Sometimes at night we see the little guys practicing on the small jumps near our house without fear late into the evening. But, tonight we got to see the big dogs ... the kahunas of ski jumping -- the Anders (lots of those from Norway, Germany, Switzerland) and the now-dominant Japanese fliers. The newspaper said "Dette var helt Fantastisk"  and it was festive.  Here is a photo from the newspaper with the girls and I circled in black (annaliese in hot pink hat/jacket combo)

The jumpers broke the track record for distance, note the "kjempe bra" which means awesome:

the crowds were rowdy, and I definitely think a 12,000 strong Norwegian crowd singing  John Denver counts as rowdy

Smoke filled the air, crowds hollered,
 We had wide eyes, hot cocoa, fireworks, a full moon and some green aurora to top it off.

Now that is some sport to talk about around the water cooler at work tomorrow.  "Did you see the hopp last night?"

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