Sunday, March 25, 2012

Please God Make it Stop

I started to snap last thursday at work.  Normally, the glass half full gal, the one who always finds a silver lining, the one who "likes" winter snow, actually sunk into despair.  My colleagues were alarmed.  The optimist has cracked.  No, no, no...  no more rain, please. 
For those of you who don't tune into Trondheim weather regularly, we have had so much rain that the girls and I are starting to mildew.  Yes, it is true.  Everything is damp.  Everything is gray.  When it isn't directly raining, the air is a constant mist of rain.   The statistics for March are not in yet, but the average precipitation in Feb. is normally 50 mm and we got 130 mm!  March is going to be way higher.  The unseasonably warm temperature, and combined rain and snow melt has increased water levels in rivers and stream to levels flood levels.  They project that this could be the worst flooding in 50 years.   At least the words in Norwegian sound better than English, "Flomtoppen" means flood peak and it sounds like a yummy dessert icing.

Record flooding is a serious deja vous of Rhode Island a few years back, but fortunately the power stations don't seem to be built on the banks of major rivers here and I'm hoping to get through this one without resorting to a camping stove.   You would think I am a magnet for floods or something.  What next locust?  But, climate change models suggest that wet areas will get wetter and dry areas drier.  So, people of Trondheim do not blame me personally for your troubles.  However, I'm fine with you blaming the american populace, their gas guzzling SUVs and carbon intensive lifestyle.

But seriously, this drizzle lifestyle sucks.  To make matters worse, the forecast continues for the next foreseeable future.  Here is the next week in my piece of paradise:

 The girls grandmother Colleen is visiting now (yeah!) and I sincerely hope we get to show her some of the beauty here without drizzle.  I hope the gray turns to blue.  I hope my drains start draining again.  I hope the heavens stop weeping on us.  I promise to be nicer, kinder, better in every way, just make it stop already.


  1. Heidi, I wish I could give you a hug! So sorry you are feeling blue and have no end in sight to the rain!
    love, Carol

    1. Thanks for the note. Much appreciated! love to you and the family.
