Thursday, April 5, 2012

Snow Falling on Bunnies

Yes it is Easter week in Norway.   All of the shops are closed Thurs (today), Friday, Sunday and Monday.  There will be a brief interlude on Sat. where we can run to the shops for some dishwashing powder and other last minute items before everything is "stengt" again.  While you can't buy any food or clothing or go to restaurants, Statoil will be open for all of our fueling needs.  And, importantly, I can refill on espresso or cocoa for free with my 2012 Statoil cup.  I will also be on hand to feed any foreigners who missed the "everything is closed" memo and are slated to starve this week or exist solely on oil and coffee.

The snow is falling and the girls, friend Natalie, and Colleen made a snow'bunny'man to celebrate.   We are also just back from a lovely trip to Åre, Sweden where we all skied cross country (even Colleen had her first try EVER!! -- see video) and did assorted resort activities including pool, sauna, mini-golf, read the Hunger Games out loud, and played lots of games of 'Oh Heck.'   Melita and I did a great day of downhill skiing too, while Annaliese shocked herself in the traditional "ice" bath in the sauna with Grandma.  

The resort town of Are is about 2.5 hour drive east into the continental highlands of Sweden and many make the drive just for the cheaper shopping at the supermarket.   However, it is very quaint and set right on a mountain slope at the base of a large lake.

View from our hotel window of the ski mountain

Also, listen carefully to the following clip where Melita and I heard lots of wolves howling in the woods (or maybe just a pack of excited dogs).  Dog sledding is pretty popular in this part of the country and Annaliese even had a school trip where she got to mush her own team of pups.  They were learning about the Sami people in northern Norway who have a language rich in words describing weather, nature, and reindeer copulation.   They also reportedly have over 100 words for snow.   I think the translators were duped and these are not really words for snow but just words for the days of the year (since it apparently snows every day of the year). 

Finally we end with some shots of our lovely walk through Bymarka park all the way to Lian.  Celebrating Easter with 4 feet of snow on the ground is a new experience for us.  Maybe the girls will come up with a word, like the Sami people, that could encompass their profound thoughts on the snow falling such as "this sucks" and "I would rather it rain" and "spring is for flowers."  


  1. Thinking of you guys and missing our annual Easter get-together!

    1. Yes, we will have a toast in your honor. Give the girls a smooch from us!
