Friday, April 20, 2012

Survived another birthday season

In our house, mid-March to mid-April is birthday month.  We seem to have little girls underfoot the entire month -- lots of giggling, sweets, and festivities.  This year we also had a slew of visitors to join in our celebrations.  After Colleen, my friends Rebekah and Tai came out from California for Easter and then our neighbor Anne from Rhode Island. I'm not sure which group got the more authentic experience -- the snow or the sunshine -- but I can say that having blue skies and long days has dramatically improved all moods. 

While spring is in the air, I still have to make sure the girls don't escape the house wearing flip-flops in 0 degree weather.  However, I can happily report that Annaliese and my feet are ready for flip-flop action after hundreds of small fishies nibbled on our toes in a mother-daughter pedicure for her birthday.  I was very proud of the way Annaliese bravely plunged her foot into a vat of hungry fish.  She's like a "fish whisperer".  After a long Trondheim winter in heavy boots and socks, we had lots of rough patches to keep the little fishies busy.  
Annaliese's birthday pedicure


Speaking of dead skin, we also had a Crazy Dinner birthday bash for Annaliese and 13 of her classmates.  The reason I say "dead skin" because this was the secret code for the grated parmesan cheese at the dinner.  Anne and I drummed up many other clever ones including "savory eyeballs" for meatballs and "curdled scream" for butter...However, I think the best part was the amuse-bouche consisting of candies like fishy sweets, blood red sweets, garlic sweets, and more deliciousness.  A selection of birthday photos, mostly taken by Anne below.   It takes a village and my friend Siv helped out with the party, as well as older sister Melita.  Thanks everybody!

Anne teaches how ot make friendship bracelets
Well it is late and I may need a bit of rest now after all of the partying. I proudly note that we have gotten nearly every house guest out on skis who has come to visit!  Really, there's nothing better than some fresh snow and tracks, even if it does happen in April.   As they say, when in Rome.

With Rebkeah and Tai in our Bymarka backyard a week ago. 

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