Thursday, August 25, 2011

Swimming in Ice Water

Today was sunny and naturally we headed for the local swimming hole.  We figured this might be our last chance to actually make it in the water and out to the swimming platform.   Of course, we have never seen anyone actually make it out to the platform except ducks, but us Viking girls decided we could make it.  We dove right into water so cold it makes your head ache and swam out like fast little sharks to fully experience the platform covered with bird droppings.  Annaliese jumped off the high platform even.  We are drinking in all Norway has to offer, especially if it involves extreme acts of courage.  Maybe it won't be as cold after we grow a layer of blubber over the long winter  ;-) 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Heidi and girls,
    It's wonderful to hear about your exciting adventures in Norway. I was just in CT and missed seeing you. In Vermont now with Lisa and the kids tuning into the Hurricane reports heading this way!

    I bookmarked your blog and will look forward to reading your posts.

    Lots of love,
