Sunday, August 28, 2011

Away from Disasters

We're thinking of everybody on the east coast being hammered by the storm right now.   It certainly hits us how far away we are, but at least we can still get the weather channel on the internet.  From my experience in Miami, I know the main point of a storm is to watch goofy weathermen in raincoats out in stormy conditions reporting about the winds and the severity of it all.  "If the worst case scenario were to come true, then the water will be up to this height on the piling and this pier will be flooded....aaaahhh...the world will end and I will be out in yet another goofy looking raincoat reporting from a boat or floating piece of debris as the only living human."  But seriously, though, I want to send you all my heartfelt hope that you survive the storm without too much power loss and trauma.

To get your mind off the worst, I send you some photos from my jog of the neighborhood forest.  Trondheim at its best.

The Norwegians all said I brought great weather with me, but hoping some good weather returns to the east coast as well.

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