Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas begins

Happy first day of advent.  The snow is falling lightly and I figured out how to light my wood stove with some store bought fire starters.  Yes, this is contrary to the man on the youtube video who explained how to light wood stoves, but he had identical perfectly shaped kindling and paper spiraled into little balls (seriously).  Fire starters or Tennbrikketer should be considered one of the seven wonders of the world.

Yesterday, we had a little visit back to our Folke Museum for some holiday events.  One of the most enjoyable parts for me was the Norwegian fiddling.  Young people playing by a fire is very inspirational.

The best part for the girls was the gulerotkaker (Carrot cake topped with thick cream cheese frosting...mmm).  Also some lovely thierbolute music, for those of you who recognize the instrument on our wall in the pink room at hoom.  The instrument actually can be played.  If you can ignore the background talking, the music is quite beautiful. 

Maybe I will ask Melita to do some sound editing on it.  She has been actively playing with sound editing lately and making funny sound effects for her video career.  She recently informed me that you get $1.50 for every 1000 views on you tube and seems inspired. If your video becomes an internet phenom, you can make some serious cash. 

I also met a very festive family, the "Nesset" family up on the farm.  I was their only visitor at the time and they fed me Norwegian pancakes and coffee baked over the fire.  As turn of the century farmers, they asked me whether the streets of America were paved with gold.  I told them of course and platinum too.  They have a cousin in Wisconsin, but had heard of the Boston Tea Party ;-)  When asked why I came to Norway, I said I had decided to change careers and become an Olympic skiier.  They sat stunned for a moment and then one came back and said in Norwegian "maybe the special Olympics."....we all had a good laugh.
Fun with the locals

I leave you with some photos of friends from the weekend.

Erlend and Luiza for some turkey leftovers and lots of wine
Rebekah and Oskar at the Folke Museum


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