Thursday, November 24, 2011

Are we sham Americans?

Happy Thanksgiving!  I am back from my whirlwind tour of the U.S. and visits with many of you.  My numerous work obligations went well, including the graduation of another student, Kelley, who presented her masters thesis research beautifully.  Night out in Mystic with Christophe, Amelie, Craig.  The Gourmet Goddesses (14 luscious ladies) celebrated my birthday at Jane's  on 11/11/11 with a German Feast. And, I got to see Christina, Peter, Max, and Aaron in NYC for a festive night out on the town.  Christina even made a homemade "puffer" cake.  In Texas, I stayed with Molly and we presented our many compelling results on marine camouflage to the Navy and are hoping for continued funding and some more nights out dancing to live music with rockin' "Team B." Whew!  Thanks to Brad for taking care of the girls in Trondheim during my absence -- they had a blast I'm told.

Back in lovely Trondheim, we are celebrating a quiet Thanksgiving together.  I'm cooking up a storm, only now realizing that my "American" girls have never tried pumpkin pie before.  I feel like sham Americans at best.  They normally opt for the many more compelling options at Heidi and Dan's pie fest (like chocolate bavarian cream) or Teddy's knockout pecan pie.  I brought back some pumpkin filling, ground ginger and cinammon in my enormous bags and a big and small pumpkin pie are now bubbling away in the oven.  I took a leap that "Viking melk" is in fact evaporated milk and that cardamom can mimic cloves.  Keep your fingers crossed because I plan to bring the big pie to work with me tomorrow, as well as the cranberry relish and leftover turkey and stuffing to share with my Norwegian friends at lunch.

The days are becoming shorter, but filled with colors.   The sunrise starts at 8:40 am and it takes over an hour to rise above the hills.  Just lovely.  It is nearly dark when the girls get out of school.  The photo below shows our house and the girls making toast after school in the twilight.  Think of us  this Thanksgiving up in our cozy house high up in the hills of Trondheim.  We are thankful for the opportunity to be here, make new friends, experience a new culture, and share some of our culture with the people here.  And, maybe even try pumpkin pie for the first time :-)    

The view from office in the morning!


  1. They haven't experienced Pumpkin Pie?! Epic fail :) Now let us know how the correction of this oversight went AND there was some whip cream too!

    You do give them buttered popcorn too I hope ...

  2. But they have had pickled herring and rhubarb pie (rød grød)...does that count?

    The pumpkin pie was a big hit with the girls and very tasty if I do say so myself. I brought the second pie to work and it was gobbled up appreciatively. All that is except for my lovely Belgian friend Alexandra who doesn't like cinnamon in sweets -- can it be so???
