Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Not quite goodbye -- sniff sniff

I hate goodbyes.  Nostalgia is what overwhelms us these days.  We haven't even left yet and we keep seeing things we will miss when we leave. As we jogged today, Melita and I reminisced about how much we would miss jogging around the damn.  Only 1 more trip to the rock climbing gym.   I will miss the lunch table at work.  Saying goodbye to my friends....  Ahhh...

So much to recap.  Our little family has become stronger, closer, and more well-muscled from all of the outdoor activities.  Yes, we have skied a lot, but most of our exercise comes from running from bus stop to bus stop in the rain/snow/hail....

Since I'm being nostalgic, I wanted to send out an early word about my Swiss friend Siv.  We have hiked, biked, skied, skated, climbed, and feasted together.  We changed the winter tires on my car.   She taught me how to use an Eingangs Grill and how to ski in the dark with no light. She helped me chop down our Christmas tree.  She has listened to me rant, rave, and giggle.  The girls and I miss her already.  Did I already say I hate goodbyes...gotta grab some kleenex now.

1 comment:

  1. Siv ... sounds like a goddess! ;)

    I remain jealous of your great trip!
