Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Winter Solstice!

The solstice has arrived and we aren't completely least we seem as "normal" as ever.   The sun rises around 10:30 am and sets around 2:30 pm (14.30).   The sky colors are fabulous with lots of oranges and purples (taken at 14.30 today).  I even saw a rainbow today. 

Solstice in Trondheim glowing orange and purple

Our house and Christmas tree

On a challenging note, we spent the evening at the hospital with my mother who managed to catch lung infection/pneumonia here in Trondheim.  Please send Tove lots of love, healing thoughts and energy! She seems to be responding to antibiotics and will hopefully make it to Copenhagen on our flight tonight without too much distress.  The whole Danish family is waiting for us with limousine service to escort mom and dad to Odense.  The girls and I will stay in Copenhagen for two nights, see my moster Kisser, cousin Tina and her children, visit Tivoli, and pick up my sister Christina on 24th before we head west to join the rest of the family for Christmas.

Regarding socialized medicine, the doctors and nurses were very friendly and helpful, and even good looking, which is particularly good for Tove ;-)  The visit only cost us roughly $60 -- the wonders of socialized medicine.   Parking costs nearly as much as the hospital though.  I'm assuming they want you to bike to the hospital  with your spike tires, like the average Trondheimer does throughout winter.

God Bless Us -- All of Us

Before Tove fell ill, we managed to make it to the girl's Christmas parties and I attach some video and photos of their fabulous acting/singing skills.  This was actually their first play with speaking parts and they both did really well.  Melita had only a few lines as Tiny Tim, as one of the tallest people in her class, which culminated with "God Bless Us." Indeed!  Annaliese had many lines as narrator, fairy godmother, and evil stepsister in a retelling of Cinderella where she chooses a humble jam maker instead of the vain prince and lives happily ever after.  All provided good fun and holiday cheer.

One of the most beautiful Norwegian Christmas songs:  Se Ilden Lyse.


 Finally, I leave you of a photo of mom and dad with Kjell and Unni, long standing friends of my parents from Minnesota who now live in Trondheim.  Lots of stories and past memories were shared.

Mom and Dad with Unni and Kjell Hagemark-- trust me they go way back

Well,that's all the news that is fit to print.  Merry Christmas, stay tuned.  Trondheim has a very famous boy's choir the Nidarosdomens Guttekor.  We saw their holiday concert at the cathedral and it was powerful!  Check them out on youtube.

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