Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weather, what else?

We're back in lovely Trondheim and it was nice to return "home."  I really think this city is so beautiful.  My friend Rebekah in California has Trondheim weather on her phone and says it always appears to be raining here.  Smile... It was a bit of a wet week here, but the weather can change rapidly and the sun shines bright when it's out.  A few mornings have been raining, hailing when we woke up (dark and damp....brrr...), but the girls say that it has been clear when they go out for their recess.  They have two 30 min. breaks outside rain, snow, hail or shine.  I love that outdoor mentality.   In fact, that was one of the main reasons I moved Annaliese to the Montessori preschool back in Stonington, because they bundled up and played outside all winter long. 

Of course, I love hiking and the girls have been quite indulgent hiking with me on weekends.  Yesterday we took a short walk around the lake and then went to the skistua for a waffle and kannelbolle (cinammon roll) ...mmmm...  Those are melita's new rainboots from Germany, sweet.    Speaking of sweet, I'm pretty sure the concept of treats is the main reason the girls hike with me, but I'm ok with a little bribery.   Maybe one day they will actually enjoy hiking as a recreational activity.  Moreover, we always see the  most beautiful outdoorsy athletic young women on the trails hiking, running, and roller skiing.  Inspirational role models for all of us.  We also like to see the strollers with little babies tucked in for the hike.

In the hills, we found a little snow on the ground (see white in photo to right).   The mountains surrounding Trondheim are white-capped with snow and look really beautiful as well.   This all means that we are headed into Halloween season.  Yes, even though they don't really celebrate Halloween here, they do it anyway.  The school is having costume day and the girls are invited to a party.  We are working on their costumes this weekend.  Melita will be Malibu Barbie and Annaliese is still deciding on her costume.  Suggestions?

I leave you with some photos of Trondheim city, surrounding Trondheim fjord and the ferry boats crossing.   Come spring we will go "island hopping" on ferry's and enjoy the archipelago of islands more dense than anywhere in the world (or so I''m told).

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