Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hiking and waffles

Family weekends in Norway are spent on the beaten trails, either on foot, mountain bikes or skis.  Are the children in Norway different from Americans?  Do they really want to get out there and exercise with their parents more than American kids?  Maybe, but I'm inclined to think not.   The Norwegians have discovered the art of bribing with sweets.   You don't just hike up a mountain for the pure satisfaction of getting to the top (ok maybe some of us elderkids).  No, you hike for warm waffles and hot chocolate.  Yes, the Norwegian woods are filled with Hytta or mountain huts, often with grass roofs, where you can buy warm, homemade foods.  You can't drive to these hytta -- oh no you can't.  You have to use some calories to get there.   For those who know Melita, this type of bribery works especially well.

This last Sat. the girls and I hiked the Ladestien winding up and down along the coast for about 3 km until we reached SponHuset where we had some yummy waffles with strawberry jam and whipped cream.  Then we rested our full  bellies on some warm rocks like harbor seals before heading back along the trail. 

 The scenery was spectacular and the fjord looked so inviting we almost felt like dipping in.   Melita made a you tube video, for those of you who are interested in her videography.

I leave you with this thought.  Waffles and jam could perhaps be the best tasting food on the planet -- warm homemade waffles with a touch of cardamom.  Norwegian waffles have a special shape with 5 hearts joint in a point and you can pull apart each heart to sample individually. Maybe Americans need to embrace the hike for waffles concept in our quest to eradicate obesity.   Some hard work ("Calories out"), get you some warm homemade ("Calories in").   


  1. Hi Heidi-
    OOh, love the seaweed on the rocks! :)
    Glad you all are having a great time -- Juliette loves looking at the blog pictures/hearing about your adventures.
    -Carol + Evan

  2. I can collect and send you samples, but I'm sure it would be more fun if you came here to get them yourself before the snow piles up ;-)

    Give Juliette a smooch from the girls!
