Sunday, June 10, 2012

Heating Up in Firenze

It wasn't exactly easy to move the girls to 63°N for a year without making some special concessions.  If they finished a whole year of school in Norway, I promised that we would head somewhere warm and sunny to celebrate.   Well, guess what???  We have nearly finished a successful year and are now celebrating in Italy.  We arrived in Florence to beautiful warm flip-flop weather...yeah.   My sister Christina joined us and we have been hitting the streets shopping, eating, and absorbing the ancient vibe.  Today we saw the Statue of David in all his naked glory.   We also saw the Birth of Venus and other oil paintings by famous Italians including Leonardo, Michelangelo, Bocelli.  We have consumed our share of pasta, pizza and truffle oil.  However, I think the shopping has really taken center stage with lots of leather and lace (the current fashion).

Annaliese rests in Bobboli Gardens

As some of the only Americans in the city of Trondheim, Norway, it has been really, really strange to be in Florence inundated and overrun with American tourists.  Melita and I start to talk with Norwegian accents because we don't really feel associated with the "average" American tourist anymore, even though deep down we are truly American and proud.  We are also looking forward to heading home to see our many lovely friends again in the states, in case we haven't mentioned how much we miss you all at home too.

The girls also seem adverse to seeing so much marble "junk" and much of it rather homoerotic...strange indeed.  But, perhaps even stranger things have been observed.

Our hotel room is huge, beds for the four of us with high painted ceilings.  Nearly all of us have cappuccino for breakfast and did I mention the gelato sold on nearly every corner of town?

Tomorrow we head south to the Med Sea for some salty water and hopefully more sunshine.

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